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It was the voice of reason amid the clamor. Mike Ybarra, the President of Blizzard Entertainment, stepped forward to remind everyone of an important truth: consoles will not disappear. In this era of declining console market share, Ybarra's words carried a weight of wisdom and a hint of sarcasm.

Ybarra took to social media to express his views. He acknowledged the successful strategy of Sony's exclusive games, emphasizing that if one wants to prevail in the living room market, they should follow Sony's footsteps. Sony not only excels at creating popular games but also knows how to select high-quality games from other developers. This strategy is yielding results. If Ybarra were in Sony's position, he would double down on this strategy because everywhere he looks, there is a bloodbath.

These words were carefully chosen to deliver a message. Ybarra wanted to remind everyone that the console war is far from over. Despite the rise of mobile gaming and other platforms, consoles still hold a significant place in the gaming world. As the President of Blizzard Entertainment, Ybarra understands the importance of consoles and the unique experiences they offer.

Yet, his remarks were not just a defense of consoles. They were also a critique of Microsoft's approach. Ybarra subtly hinted at Microsoft's seemingly biased narrative, suggesting that they are trying to manipulate public opinion in their favor. He urged Microsoft to take a page out of Sony's book and focus on delivering exclusive and high-quality games.

Ybarra's words serve as a reminder to the gaming industry that consoles are here to stay. While the market may be shifting, there is still a place for dedicated gaming hardware. The console war continues, and the battle for the living room is far from over. Only time will tell who will emerge as the ultimate victor.




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